You can tell what a person
truly thinks, even when they do not publicly express all that they believe in,
when you look at their friends and advisers, the events they attend and the
organizations they belong to.
Jeremy Corby is an example of
an influential ‘would be’ fascist leader who took center stage after a long
period during which time he maintained a relatively low profile. Until
his time came to step forward and take advantage of popular but noxious beliefs
that for decades were discussed in quiet corners but were too inappropriate for
public discussion. But note how even today he is never unambiguous in his
condemnation of antisemitism within the ranks of his own party.
In fact, he makes an excellent
case study for fascism.
As leader of the British
Labour Party, his cohorts include:
- Press TV - the mouthpiece of the Shia Muslim, theologically antisemitic Islamic Republic of Iran
- Hamas - the theologically antisemitic, anti-Christian and homophobic, Islamic-fascist ruler of Gaza which makes a habit of throwing gays off tall buildings
- Hezbollah – the radical Shia Muslim group that like Islamic State has as its main goal the establishment of an Islamic government across the Arab world. It has murdered Lebanese liberals and continues today to destabilize Lebanon
- Holocaust deniers (Paul Eisen)
- Antisemites (Paul Eisen, Carlos Latuff, the Reverend (CofE) Stephen Sizer, Raed Salah)
Jeremy Corbyn could have
refused their advances, their money, listened to what they said and read what
they wrote; and walked away from them, fast. But “he is remarkably good
at proffering apologetics for dictatorship and tyranny”. (James Bloodworth.
editor of Left Foot Forward)
By embracing them he becomes them.
His excuse that dialogue is
the only way to resolve conflict is predicated on the idea that our
interlocutors desire a change in their own situation that does not result in
our physical destruction. Jeremy Corbyn will support dictatorial, racist,
anti-Western, misogynistic, homophobic, radical, theologically fundamentalist
regimes that despise everything we stand for and then justify his support for
them by asking us to believe that somehow
we have something in common with them? Perhaps he means us to believe
that even after all that has been mentioned previously, there is still
something to talk about?
The problem is that the Jeremy
Corbyn's of this world actively provide a fig leaf for fascism.
Jeremy Corbyn’s protestations
of virtue are hollow, a sham, and at best he is no more than a political
dilettante; at worse, a liar who serves to salve the conscience of his
During World War Two the Nazis
realized that they could commit any atrocity, on any scale, if the public did
not have to witness it. Early in their rule they internalized the
lesson that the German people would accept the euthanasia program that took
away their ‘defective’ children and their infirm elderly – as long as the
narrative was in place that afforded them the means to deny any knowledge of
their loved ones’ fate.
A principle cannot be altered
to suit an inconvenient truth. Those that choose to elect the Jeremy Corbyn’s
of this world can argue for an unbroken history of dedication to social
democracy with its concern for people, somehow balancing their selective
concerns against a predilection for providing support to fascist causes
and associating with hate soaked bigots.
In the light of day it is
difficult to tell the difference between what many on today’s progressive left
believe, how they act, and how they differ from the good folk of 1930’s Germany
who turned a blind eye to Nazism.
We arrived at this point
because of our ignorance of global history.
Our knowledge of history’s
villains is so poor that we recognize only a small part of the evil that has
been committed in the name of the gods. Conquest and slavery are not only a
Western malaise but at least we recognize the errors of our past. We have
ignored other colonial enterprises because they were not ours; we have dismissed
superstitions and disregarded the prejudices of many nations that are
erroneously labeled as third world or developing because it complicated our
guilt and our self-flagellation. Global history is a rich tapestry of good as
well as bad. The terrible atrocities
Islamic State have committed were already an acceptable part of a rich Muslim
cultural tradition that throughout their history viewed the non-believer as
worthy only of subjugation and conquest.
By excluding that tradition,
by choosing to side with regimes that reject our way of life, we give them a green light to
oppress their own people and to attack us until we submit to them.
This is not a multicultural
paradise to which we should all aspire; it is a dystopian vision of hell.
Note: since I published this
item (on Mr Corbyn has said 'Anyone that commits any act of
antisemitism is auto-excluded from the party and an inquiry follows
immediately.' Talk is cheap Mr Corbyn, even when it is mouthed on
prime-time television. We have had no personal
action taken by you either with respect to Israel or the Jews to demonstrate
your fidelity to either equality or the truth.
"a fig leaf for fascism" Perfectly stated. Thank you for writing this. So many good points here. Saying that we in the West share common values with Islamic terror groups is an attempt at appeasement.