If Jews are to foster social
cohesion as an important and indeed necessary instrument of nation building in Israel, then
the required group identity, however much based on the ideology or utopian
vision of Zionism, has to include everyone, even those people with whom we are
in serious ideological competition or conflict.
A criticism often directed at
Zionist or pro-Jewish groups by their opponents is that free speech means the
freedom to criticize, and in turn this means that even when the anti-Zionists’
(or antisemites’) one-sided debates are governed by intimidation and cant, the
attempt to deny them their right to speak is to silence “critical voices”. This is a false argument, it is the cant
deployed by fascists to stifle meaningful debate if only because it is
one-sided and based on deceit. Therefore, it can only work if the other side to
the conflict is silenced. In this censorship is the essence of the
tactics employed by those who oppose Israel's existence.
Where Israel and its supporters have
failed is that they do not replicate the tactics of their enemies. When
faced with intimidation and violence you use all legal means available to you
in order to punish your persecutors. You do not “play nice” with fascists
as most of Israel’s
enemies are. Intimidation and violence are the fascists preferred method to
stifle debate. It is the antithesis of academic or intellectual freedom. The Nuremberg rallies were
also examples of ‘free’ speech. The Nazis rose to power using intellectual fig
leafs provided by the presence of eminent lawyers, and the scholarly erudition
of the professors in their ranks. Its tactics were little different to those
employed by the Boycott Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement which is ubiquitous
in Western colleges and universities.
In the UK and USA today Jewish academics are
being intimidated into silence or driven from their campuses; thus fascism
censors us as it takes control. If we do not fight it we are driven into
effectively renouncing our equal right to free speech by a vociferous,
passionately believing, hateful minority of intellectual thugs. Fascism
has little to do with universal truths and everything to do with positioning a
narrative to the absolute exclusion of all else. In this way, history,
for the Palestinians and their supporters begins with defeat in a war they will
forever deny they were responsible for starting; thereafter they are always
victims and never anything other than passive players in this tragic drama.
Being passive players in a
global drama, they have no responsibility for anything that befalls them and no
responsibility for the deaths they cause. If they slaughter Jewish children at
a school it is the Jews or the Zionists who are at fault for being the foot
soldiers of an illegitimate regime. It is the signature tactic of the tyrant
and the terrorist. Whatever occurs is always someone else's fault. But we
are left clearly understanding the consequences of our failure to submit to
It is the main reason Western
journalists are so obsequious in their toadying to an Islamist, anti-Zionist
agenda when they report the news. It theoretically inoculates the journalist
against “Islamic anger” (fatal retribution). It is an excellent way to deflect
criticism and crush debate.
The first stage in any conflict
is to win the propaganda war. The Palestinians and their fascist
supporters in the BDS campaign have already won the first stage. The
second stage is to stifle any contrary debate. Controlling academia and
the press are the crucial battlegrounds. The Jewish people and their
supporters are rapidly losing that second stage.
If we want to influence a
person of power so that our own message may reach more people, we must display
similar concerns and prejudices. Instead of ‘justifying’ or ‘explaining’ we
must respond with our own accusations, non-stop, relentlessly and mercilessly.
We have suffered far too many
centuries of Islamic discrimination and persecution to allow the past 68 years
of independence to be all that the world is educated to recognizing. A wealth of historically terrible misdeeds
mirrored in contemporary events in Iraq,
Syria, Nigeria and
elsewhere are all we need, to remind the world of why Jews sought
self-determination in the first place.
And why people that omit that history from the current debate are not
just Israel’s
enemies but the enemies of human civilization.
The mayor of Jerusalem was invited to speak at a university in San Francisco. He was shouted down by pro-Palestinian students. Phyllis Chesler calls these silencers "brown shirts" as in Hitler's goon squads.
ReplyDeleteShe is right.