We live in a world that is
divided as never before by competition for the supremacy of ideas, such
as Islamism, Islam, Democracy and freedom of speech, socialism and capitalism,
fundamentalism and individualism.
Many people in modern society
are alienated from that world of ideas and even more of them, are alienated
from politics. Increasingly, the more
educated we become, the more we become alienated from religion in favor of
consumerism and its comforting convenience.
To be engaged with something takes effort. In a world of ideas
that are constantly clashing it is far easier to either ignore or suppress whatever creates unease.
At the turn of the Common Era,
the competition for whichever god or group of deities we chose to worship, was
fierce. Aspects of worship were the fashionably contested marketplace of ideas that
engaged slaves and aristocrats, workers and bureaucrat alike. But then life was simple, ideas uncomplicated
and existence precarious so a bit of extra help from the divine was at the very
least, a psychological tonic!
As a species we began as pure
instinct – how else could we have survived in an unremittingly hostile
environment where weather, the search for food and shelter, predators and
disease hunted us remorselessly? And then we discovered the usefulness of
relationships. We discovered the utility
in trusting associates, first families and then tribes. We discovered that mutual
interest was a powerful force for survival. Trust grew out of physical and
psychological familiarity – even if we did not, as yet, understand this. As we
moved away from being instinctual human beings we needed the community to back
us up, to protect us from other competitor communities. As communities became
settlements then tribes, city states, regions then nations, laws became a means
by which we regulated and therefore controlled behavior.
It has taken us thousands of
years to reach the point where the individual is once more at the center of
society. Primitive man (woman) lived at
the caprice of the elements. The modern
individual no longer needs to labor to survive and he or she may choose to live
a life with a minimum of human interaction. That also means that our
responsibility towards each other is no longer a necessity for our mutual survival
and the danger is that our species’ responsibility for each other is being
reversed. We are at a different stage of
growth (or decay) - depending on how we interpret society and whether we look
forward or backwards for our inspiration.
Technology has enabled us to
have partial control over disease and our physical environment. Our laws force
us to exercise restraint and Western society encourages its’ citizens to be
tolerant of that with which it is unfamiliar, and uncomfortable. And yet, we
still have this competition for ideas which brings us into conflict across the
globe with people who owe no allegiance to those ideals that have made us so
theoretically tolerant. Those people are
using our tolerance against us.
Individualists demand
self-expression as the highest ideal within society but it is conditional. What
conditions that self-expression is an absence of censorship. That means, when we disagree on a fundamental
level with our neighbor we must ignore those differences in the name of tolerance.
The problem is that a community can be equally committed to an ideal that is
the antithesis of the freedom that gives us our right to individuality. Unless we are willing to fight for our own
rights of self-expression we will be censored and our articles of freedom will
be used against us to undermine those very freedoms we so passionately defend.
In the 1920’s and throughout
the 1930’s the Nazis used our ideals of freedom to undermine and overthrow
democracy. They used censorship to shut down
any valid criticism and they used discrimination to appeal to the ignorant
middle classes whose ballot they needed to be legally voted into power. The
individual was always the greatest threat to the Party’s power because they
were less likely to accept whatever they were told as absolute truth, and they
could infect others with their criticisms and their doubts.
Al Qaeda and Islamic State
(Daesh) have their model for their ideal community and it negates what enabled
our society to achieve our individual-centric society with its laissez-faire
morality, its hedonism and its idolization of consumerism.
This is where the current cult
of the individual fails every one of us.
And a simple example exists of
this breathtaking naivety with which we have embraced our enemies while they
openly treat us with contempt. The
Huffington Post launched an Arabic language edition in July 2015 called
Huffington Post Arabi. It is in
competition with al Jazeera which is owned by Qatar and therefore reflects its
anti-Western, pro-Islamist agenda. Because it is in competition with a
successful Arab model which is reactionary, biased and sectarian, in order to
compete it is satisfied to mimic it in its illiberal prejudices. In an article I read as recently as January
25, 2016 there were references to World War 3, the term used to describe the
conflict between Islam and the rest of mankind.
So let us be clear on what is
being offered to the Arab world. We have a popular, commercially successful, Western,
liberal, internet newspaper applying Western values as justification for
funding the production of a prejudiced Arab-Muslim tabloid that in turn
provides a veil of respectability to Arab prejudice. It censors debate and
encourages the idea that ethnic conflict is legitimate; it is contemptuous of
free speech and despises the freedoms that encapsulate our Western Society.
Arianne Huffington appears to
be motivated by contempt and self-loathing. Perhaps our captains of industry have
always been self-serving and contemptuous of the society that nourished them. It
is society’s embrace of individualism that has enabled us to make stunning
advances in every field of science and technology while simultaneously it is
helping our enemies to undermine our civilization.
A second example is that of
the recent case of an American university professor, Joy Karega, who spreads
her antisemitic ideology and conspiracy theories on American campuses. An academic institution permits Karega to spread her malignant views without consideration of any action being taken to
contain the influence of this repulsive individual. If this person represents our free speech
legacy then colleges must permit all intellectual rabble rousers a campus forum. If hate is a permitted commodity then there
should be no bars to who may preach it.
To extrapolate what such a
toxic equilibrium promotes is not difficult: at best, assassination, at worst,
civil war. If society understands this
fundamental threat to its survival then how can it justify the continued
employment of such a venomous creature?
We have been here at many
other times in history. The most recent
outbreak of this intellectual contagion was during the first half of the
twentieth century when fascism was violently expressed by both left and
right. Their most enthusiastic
proponents were ultimately responsible for the murders of tens of millions of
human beings. But it was only seriously
acknowledged that the extreme right wing committed crimes against
humanity. It was our greatest error
because it inoculated Left wing fascists against any criticism of their beliefs
and tactics for as long as they did not wear an armband adorned with a
In our world of ideas, fascisms
antisemitic cheer-leaders are ascendant.
Meanwhile, we show far more concern for their right to abuse us than we do, our
right, to live without the concomitant negative consequences their abuse
I would consider it blasphemy to argue against Englishness and the right to own a homeland and to exclude from that homeland those that would destroy it, the way that Muslims intend.