The State of Israel provides the
platform for all people to worship freely. That includes Israel’s Arab
minority. This is in opposition to the
intolerance and persecution of minorities that is central to Islamic culture
and an Islamic theological pillar of conditional tolerance which can be revoked
at any time. Every state (including Israel) is
entitled to embrace its past, celebrate its present and anticipate a positive
future. That is how we retain our identity.
A Jewish identity does not require a law of return and it is time for it to be abolished. A constitution that recognises the historic Jewish identity of the State does not preclude the provision of equal rights to all of its citizens irrespective of their race, creed or colour. The minority population in Israel has equal rights. It doesn’t have the right to support the enemies of the State. This also should be spelled out. Israel has a Jewish identity and it should be enshrined in its constitution. Any discrimination must be addressed. However, action by the Israeli-Arab leadership that undermines and challenges the Jewish nature of the State is unacceptable. The right to democratically seek superior status at the expense of the majority Jewish population is a betrayal of the State. It is a right that no one demands of the Saudis, or any other Muslim nation. And Israel is a nation surrounded by Muslim nations that respect only that which is enunciated without ambiguity. The State of Israel should take the bold step to declare that Judaism is part of its national identity.
A Jewish identity does not require a law of return and it is time for it to be abolished. A constitution that recognises the historic Jewish identity of the State does not preclude the provision of equal rights to all of its citizens irrespective of their race, creed or colour. The minority population in Israel has equal rights. It doesn’t have the right to support the enemies of the State. This also should be spelled out. Israel has a Jewish identity and it should be enshrined in its constitution. Any discrimination must be addressed. However, action by the Israeli-Arab leadership that undermines and challenges the Jewish nature of the State is unacceptable. The right to democratically seek superior status at the expense of the majority Jewish population is a betrayal of the State. It is a right that no one demands of the Saudis, or any other Muslim nation. And Israel is a nation surrounded by Muslim nations that respect only that which is enunciated without ambiguity. The State of Israel should take the bold step to declare that Judaism is part of its national identity.
I hope that I do not
promote hatred of Islam – promoting ones own past does not have to be at the
expense of others. However, in the West, particularly in England we are fighting a battle against the
revision of Jewish history that denies Israel any past as a means of
ensuring that it has no future.
History is the whole past not
just the bits that the anti-Zionist, anti-Jewish bigots want to celebrate or
rewrite. Separate education and separate housing must also be abolished. While the Arab think-tanks have effectively
called for the setting up of voluntary Arab Bantustans – autonomous Palestinian
areas within Israel,
this is a fundamental challenge to the independence of the State. On a wider note, it is one the ultra orthodox
would support because they actively desire the same separation and for similar
reasons that the Arab sector desires it. And it must be opposed for the same
basis for establishment is recognised in the universally accepted right of all
peoples to national self-determination and statehood. This was acknowledged by
UN resolution. The state of Israel
has been and continues to be the only nation-state of the Jewish people. The
Islamic world has been fighting a proxy war against the existence of a Jewish
State via allies that have overwhelmingly accepted the argument of a Jewish ‘oppressor’
while dismissing the obvious issue that the (Arab) ‘oppressed’ are also the
oppressor. That complicates matters.
When we stop calling the State
of Israel, ‘The Jewish State,’ it does not stop being a Jewish State, because
intrinsically, it is understood to be so, but to describe Israel as
Jewish is superfluous and antagonistic to those who are not. This identity is
what Islamic religious bigots and Arab racists will passionately fight
against. To deny the Jewish centrality
of the geographic area of Israel
and thus its narrative importance is also fundamentally racist. Whether one is Jewish or not, the historical
reality of Jewish history both in the Holy land and in the rest of the Near East is unassailable. It is the reason the Islamic
world with the active complicity of its Liberal-Left allies have tried to erase
it archaeologically, deny its historic authenticity and through its
international organs of religious, financial and political control to rewrite
history to deny Israel
a legitimate place amongst the nations. As a consistent act of denial it is the
apotheosis of political and intellectual betrayal.
The impact that Israeli actions
have on Jews in London
is only real because we allow it to be so.
Recently the BBC and the Guardian refused to acknowledge Jerusalem as the Capital
of Israel. The only group willing to fight them was “Honest Reporting” (and
they are not even based in Britain).
They alone issued a complaint against the Guardian while the British Jewish establishment
did nothing. When the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) outrageously accepted
the Guardian premise and in fact embellished its own ruling against Jerusalem being Israel’s capital, “Honest
Reporting” sued the PCC. Almost
immediately the PCC withdrew their contemptible judgment. The Guardian was
forced to publicly backtrack. HR is allegedly
continuing with its case through the British courts.
Making truth of the lie is the
propagandist’s weapon and we in Britain
seem to be unwilling to invest resources in defeating them. It is only when we actively prevent racist British
institutions from creating facts that the conditions will take form that allow
us to change the narrative. Identity is how we feel as well as how we present ourselves
to others. It is how we react perceptually to external conditions as well as
how our institutions guide us to behave that continuously reinforces as it
feeds our identity, both communally and individually.
Anti-Semitism can and often does
exist and thrive in a state without Jews.
is the excuse but not the reason for Muslim bigotry. However, Israel is the
historic fountainhead of Jewish faith, even as it fails as the spiritual source
for its continuity it remains the ethical epicentre of monotheism and the
historic, undeniable emotional soul of Judeo/Christian identity. This
represents yet another reason for Muslims to theologically oppose its
existence. Islam, to the Islamic
faithful replaces all other faiths, it physically denies them the right to
exist outside of an Islam which imposes inferiority through Dhimmitude and an
identity stripped of its past.
A synthetic national identity
that was unable to reconcile a jingoistic nationalism with eloquently
expressed, historically anchored intolerance created the conditions under which
fascism thrived and Nazism became the dominant German ideology. Similarly, the tribal nature of Arab society continues
to ensure that reconciliation with parochial Islamism is next to impossible to
achieve. The artificial creation of
Islamic nation states under European imperialist endeavours, in particular in the
Arab world, has created enormous instability that is wholly independent of the
existence of any Jewish state in their midst.
The Congress of Vienna created
the modern nation state based on centralised power and unified ethnic societies. This is in sharp contrast to the catastrophe
created by the Sykes–Picot Agreement which artificially fashioned the Islamic
mess we have all inherited today in the Near East.
It gave Arab overlords dominance over non-Arabs with European weapons exchanged
for oil nourishing this symbiotic but poisoned relationship. The Arab Spring, far from bringing
enlightenment and freedom to persecuted minorities has filled in the barely papered
over cracks within Arab ruled society with a toxic brew of fundamentalism and intolerance. It has brought bigots to power across the Arab
world. It will embolden them to celebrate their past ‘glories’ as they deny us
In terms of the universality of
civilisation – there is a convergence of values where murder and theft are
proscribed virtually without exception. In “A German Identity 1770-1990” Harold
James described the progressive radicalisation that took place, a loss of
inhibition contributed to its momentum.
This resulted in the ends justifying the means. In Nazi Germany it enabled
genocide to be explained away as the fulfilment of a supreme purpose. Islam through
its missionary zeal already possesses the religious framework for this purpose.
The Liberal-Left establishment
controls debate in order to ensure conformity. McCarthyism has been intrinsic
to a philosophy of control. How reality is presented can and does determine the
direction that society takes. The Jewish
establishment is no different except that it fears being outside of the
consensus. Perhaps this is understandable. Jews have always stood apart. It is
both their greatest creative strength and the source of their greatest
The righteous hypocrite requires
no excuse for their display of passionate anti-Semitic prejudice. But in that case any lie will do as long as
it is plausible, and after a few smears the implausible becomes
reasonable. I am not saying that we can
or should avoid the issues that are debated within Israel but when we hold back from
debating the issues that afflict our society, it is easy to acquiesce to the
lies and the false narratives of our enemies. Then our lies forfeit any right we
possess as a ‘civilised’ nation to criticise what occurs in Israel.
But even so, our identity is
sullied by the constant assault on our senses of a false storyline and its
relentlessly negative publicity. Only when Israel reasserts its rights to an
Israeli narrative will it also be capable of fighting its enemies deceptions and
begin to win the war of world opinion.
It is a fight that affects us all.
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