stands for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions.
To quote its founder Omar Barghouti (2013): “We oppose a Jewish state in
any part of Palestine…no Palestinian will ever
accept a Jewish state in Palestine.”
He does not usually speak so bluntly but we hear what we want to hear and not
all BDS supporters are quite so forthcoming in their desire to be labelled as
its firing of missiles against Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa reminds us, this
is not a conflict over territory but about an Arab desire to supplant any ethnic
or religious minority that does not bow down to their particular version of
Islamic domination. We should give thanks
to whichever deity we owe our allegiance that accuracy is not yet a selling
point for those Arab missiles. That
they are fired at Jerusalem
means the Muslim fundamentalists governing the Gaza Strip do not care who they
kill. Jew, Christian, Muslim or person of other faith – the important goal for
them is to cause death and fear. And those
missiles could as easily strike a Jewish holy site, a Christian holy site or a
Muslim holy site; a school, a hospital or a playground filled with children. Again, the target is of no consequence, much
of the Western Press can be relied upon to blame Israel for any bloody successes.
incited against Israel
since it was founded in 1987 as an offshoot of the Egyptian Muslim
Brotherhood. Since its failed revolution
in Egypt
the Muslim Brotherhood is banned although many in the West embrace this racist,
fascist Islamic movement whose principle target is the Jewish state. It is openly, theologically antisemitic. See
this link: Article Seven is the abomination that should
have us all screaming from the rooftops and yet, presidents and prime-ministers
afford this organization with its overt call for genocide a place at the table
of civilized nations.
I wrote
the following two paragraphs a little over a year ago (03 June 2013) and
unsurprisingly things have only worsened as radicals across the Muslim world
gain in murderous confidence. HAMAS is
an organization that wages war on women; murders gays and anyone contemplating leaving
the faith. The bigotry of HAMAS is only
exceeded by the purity of its primitive vision.
They hate that which is not them and dream of a return to a time that
existed almost fourteen hundred years earlier.
They represent the antithesis of modern civilization. They are the
barbarians at the walls of Rome
but armed with 21st Century weaponry.
HAMAS embodies
ruthless rejection of the Age of Enlightenment that began some 350 years ago;
the fantasists rejection of the modern era because we who are not them refuse
to show obsequious fealty to their world view.
The horrifying reality is that these agents of a reactionary and
puritanical society are enthusiastically supported by extremists of Left wing
political ideology. To appreciate how
debased liberal political thought has become we need only to quote Judith Butler
(American political philosopher and ‘ethicist’). She instructs us: “Understanding HAMAS,
Hezbollah as social movements that are progressive, that are on the Left, that
are part of a global Left, is extremely important.”
The issue
over whether Israel
should negotiate with people whose world-view is the antithesis of our own is
only a difficult one if we try to muddy the waters. HAMAS does not want peace with Israel, it
wants our annihilation. HAMAS is a Nazi
political movement. The Palestinian Authority
is technically secular but this does not make it a preferred partner for
peace. If Israel has made some egregious
errors in negotiating with the regime of Mahmoud Abbas it is because no vision
of what a genuine peace would resemble exists on either side. But one thing is
for certain, the credible threat of HAMAS must be eliminated before
negotiations can proceed. Deterrence has to be sufficiently robust to ensure
success because the alternative, failure, is viewed with such dread as to
render its value, moot. Being civilized
when confronted by the Beast does not work.
Those for whom ‘the Jew’ or ‘the Zionist’ is forever damned cannot be
negotiated with - they can only be controlled, poorly. Because of our history
there is one thing the Jewish people must internalise, we can never appease
fascism. “An
appeaser is one who feeds the crocodile hoping it will eat him last.” Winston
Churchill was talking about the Nazis, but with nary a difference between them he
very well could have been referring to today’s Islamists and their Jihadist
I began this article by referring to BDS – many nations are flirting with adopting the principle of once more boycotting Jews. They can do this because they have no need to respond to the idea of Jewish self-determination or political sovereignty. Intellectual subservience to a Left wing fascist narrative has subverted honest debate, call it ‘reverse McCarthyism.’ It has enabled an obscene coalition of secular and religious bigots to dominate any discussion and they have done this by simply controlling the debate and excluding, with violence if necessary, any Jewish-Zionist input to that debate. Noam Chomsky states in his book, The Common Good: “The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.” He is of course correct, but that tactic has been most successfully employed in the universities, in the press and in the pulpit in order to discourage debate about the threat against our way of life and against a Zionist enlightenment in the Mediterranean Basin.
nation is a soul, a spiritual principle. Two things... constitute this soul or
spiritual principle. One is the possession in common of a rich legacy of
memories; the other is present-day consent, the desire to live together, the
will to perpetuate the value of the heritage that one has received. (Ernest
Renan, What is a Nation?)
peoples inhabit the geographical area called Israel – the first are Jews and the
second, Arab conquerors that persecuted them and denied them any rights save
the right to be humiliated and subjected to constant persecution. Israel exists
because of those bigots. To end the
conflict our persecution by Arabs and their Turkish over-rulers must be our
constant refrain and every negotiation must begin with a regurgitation of our tale of persecution until the
Palestinians and their supporters are as familiar with our version of events as they have made the world fluent in theirs. It will not shame them because ridicule, even
hatred, fuels their theology. What it will do is to remove the twin façades of
altruism and victimhood that justifies the concerns of so many antisemites and
Jewish Uncle Toms.
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