The narrative that is
increasingly employed by both Islam and its Liberal-Left allies is one that
defines the war between Israel
and the Palestinians solely in terms of cliché and cant. In a
theologically inspired act of genius the yolk of original sin is transferred to
and her supporters. A religious war and a war between opposing
civilizations is portrayed as a colonial war waged by Israel against
Palestinians who are defined as the indigenous
people of a narrow geographic area designated by Israel’s borders only. According to this narrative, Israel was
partitioned by the UN against the will of the majority of the people living
there. Evidence to the contrary is considered unimportant to the web of deceit
with which the lie is constructed.
is how a new mythology is built. The new
tradition continues, as long as ‘we’ conflate Palestinians and Arabs
into some monolithic entity we disenfranchise the Palestinians. Jews are relentlessly
stripped of any identity save the one that damns them. Jews are not a legitimate entity and as
long as we conflate Israelis with Jews we ‘Zionists’ are able to maintain the ‘fantasy’
that ‘The Jews’ need a country to call their own. Palestinians may be Jewish but cannot be defined
as such because any oppression Jews suffer is the result of natural human
conflict (which of course, by construction is their fault) as opposed to being religiously
inspired Arab / Muslim racism which would then justify self-determination. And the Jew, by his or her existence, is
damned. Arabs, as a racial entity, may
immigrate to Palestine and by marrying they become indigenous; no religious
group has a right to self-determination, therefore no Jew may immigrate to
Israel, thus safeguarding ‘Palestinian’ (i.e. non-Jewish) identity and majority
rule. To hermetically seal the whole,
Palestinian ethnic cleansing of Jews becomes a local matter of no relevance to
history other than being (an understandable) act of revenge for their current
Religion has no place in national
identity. But the pièce de résistance is the fundamentalist Islamic argument
that the Koran and the Hadith (the body of traditional sayings and legends
associated with Mohammed and his followers) are sacrosanct and therefore
unalterable. Simply stated this means
that irrespective of the extensive incitement that both bodies of work
encourage there may be no discussion or debate about their egregious cultural
legitimacy, nor their centrality to Arab or Palestinian society.
What is debilitating is that this tolerance of bigotry is
no more than western sanctioned fascism. The Nazis ascended to power because
few were willing to fight them. Today, the extreme left and their allies have
learned the lessons of the Nazi ascent to power and employ similar tactics
against anyone with whom they disagree. In universities and in public life Jews
are being marginalized if they fail to express self-hatred or if they refuse to
disenfranchise themselves as Jews.
has failed to actively promote a discourse that will defend its own actions. It
has left the Diaspora defenseless against a juggernaut of hate.
In Britain,
holding passionate beliefs has created a legally valid excuse for violent
confrontation against Jews and their supporters in the universities and Israeli
companies across the UK.
And it has encouraged a climate of fear and as a by-product become an
economically profitable exercise for universities who attract extremists to
their campuses. It is far too common an
antisemitic tactic that Jews and their Christian supporters are accused of
being part of a sinister cabal actively working to undermine the majority. This
is brutally hammered home in order to discourage them from exercising a
democratic right to express their legitimate political or ethical concerns. In this way Britain’s University Student Union
was uniquely able to justify its rejection of the currently accepted worldwide
definition of antisemitism.
When physical intimidation is not presently possible, at
every opportunity these same people will create an avalanche of threats and
hate-filled talk-backs via the social media.
The irony is that these same people are the most active in abusing human
rights and actively encouraging genocide and ethnic cleansing. From around the
world ‘anti-Israel’ activists do so, in the name of Palestine.
They experience no shame in employing tactics that in another era would
have labelled them as Nazis. For the
extremist, the ends always justify the means.
Boycott campaigns are today primarily
dependent on the dissemination of lies and the intimidation of anyone or any organization
with whom they disagree.
Perhaps most hateful is that many
Israelis are central to this campaign, having been radicalized in Israeli universities
that gave them and continues to give them carte blanche to express themselves
however they wish to do so. One hundred
flowers may bloom but not in the poisoned atmosphere of lies and half-truths
presented as fact; complexity simplified to the point of inanity and puerile
vindictiveness. Paradoxically these same
anti-Israel activists often teach the next generation of activists and Israeli
There is a difference between
antisemitism and anti-Zionism but for a campaign to be effectively deployed
against the latter they conflate it with the former in order to encourage the
widest possible buy-in to their agenda. Because of the breadth of their
membership that agenda is as likely to be extermination of the Jews as it is,
the end of Israel. Because of this, and the inability of the
secular alliance to either detach themselves from or criticize the Islamic
agenda, it is not possible to separate the anti-Zionist from the anti-Semite.
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