Monday the 19th of December a Turkish police officer,
smartly dressed in civilian clothes, walked up to Andrei Karlov, the
Russian ambassador to Turkey. As the ambassador spoke at the opening
of an art exhibition in Ankara the off-duty policemen calmly murdered
him. The killer said in his native Turkish “Don’t
forget Aleppo. Don’t forget Syria. Unless our towns are secure, you
won’t enjoy security. Only death can take me from here. Everyone
who is involved in this suffering will pay a price.”
also shouted in Arabic: “We are the one who pledged allegiance to
Muhammad, to wage jihad.”
news 19-20/12/2016)
is a sad but timely reminder that Islamist Turkey can as much be
trusted as theocratic, traditionalist Iran or Saudi Arabia.
that fair? Political murders have taken place in Britain, Sweden,
Norway, the USA and Israel to name just a few of the Western
countries afflicted by acts of political violence against the state
and its civilian population. Italy had the Red Brigade, Germany had
Baader-Meinhoff and Japan had the Red Army.
and atrocities against civilians have always been part of
revolutionary politics. The difference today is that radicals,
progressives and others on the fringe of Western society try to
justify the immorality of their cause (s) through their control of
the electronic media. They are able to then embrace the war crimes
committed by those terrorists they choose to call “friend,” to
move peripheral political ideology into the centre.
share a contempt for the rule of law which must be bent to
accommodate their political vision and ignored when it fails to
conform to their ignorance and their prejudice.
makes the new fascist Left no different to the Inquisitors and
Jihad-is of previous generations is their blind obedience to the
Cause. They daily demonstrate this latter fealty by controlling the
narrative. And they control it by their suppression of freedom of
speech and association, occasionally by violent means but with
increased frequency as their successes grow.
makes this generation empowered in ways that previous generations
were not is that the internet has enabled the every-man and
every-woman with any talent for exploiting the electronic media to
spread so much poison that no-one is safe. Because there is no
regulation there is no difference between the lie and the truth and
because the fascist (left) has no respect for the inconvenient truth
they will use every means to suppress it. Unfortunately, our
inability to internalise this lesson is our great failure.
Mert Altin said “Don’t
forget Aleppo. Don’t forget Syria. Unless our towns are secure, you
won’t enjoy security.” The
Russians have been bombing rebels which
will include supporters
of Islamic State. The
issue for the Turkish Islamist is that many of them support the aims
of Islamic State.
When Altin
shouted in Arabic: “We
are the one who pledged allegiance to Muhammad, to wage jihad” he
was declaring that “WE” (Turkey) will
judge you. It is one of
those truly frightening declarations
of fanaticism that mark out radical, fascist movements. Altin may or
may not have been acting alone but Turkey is the ideal incubator for
the creation of regional, if not global instability. Its size,
population and theological indifference
to genocide ensure
that there are far more people like Altin, many of them sitting
within the Islamist government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
have a dishonourable expression in the English world: “One man’s
terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” to that I would add
that “One man’s Serial
Killer is another man’s
Warrior for God (or the
Prophet).” The
latter is the Turkish view of their “glorious” history. But
the history of modern Turkey is an execrable one (and I will explain
why in my next blog).
US-Turkey partnership was a product of the Cold War. The two nations
never shared a special affinity but both feared the communist enemy.
Turkey has changed in terms of strategic orientation and national
purpose since that partnership was formalised in 1947 with the
passage of the Truman Doctrine. It has gone from being a secular but
racist and jingoistic society to one that is dedicated to an Islamic
neo-Ottoman revival. America has failed to recognise the threat
Islamist Turkey poses to world peace. It has tried to pacify the
Muslim threat through policies of appeasement while doing everything
possible to antagonise Russia. Instead of focussing its energies on
bringing Russia into a European-Western alliance that would isolate
the Islamists it has managed to re-invigorate the Cold War and give
them a European champion.
is not Europe. It will not accept the view that the original sin of
its creation myths are not just soaked but also nourished in rivers
of blood. It is violently opposed to granting human rights to its
minorities. It persecutes its Kurds. Christians and Jews fear for
their lives and are occasionally murdered because they are hostages
to Islamic mood swings of intolerance and conditional benevolence.
Turkey will once again reassert it’s hegemonic geopolitical
strategic partnership between Israel and Turkey was inspired by
pragmatism. And this is where the problem lies. An Islamic nation
with its historic legacy of
ridicule for its
minorities, conquest,
and human slavery is continuously reinforcing an internalized image
of God-given
superiority over its
non-Muslim neighbours. It is
a world view that
is not congruent with
any relationship of equality.
and not just Israel must not trust Turkey.
issue that defines the problem separating western political violence
from Turkey’s problem is that the outlier (the radical,
‘progressive’ or the extremist) does not define the relationship
within Western orientated nations (even if they are trying to make it
so). With Turkey it does. Turkey’s past is one of genocide, ethnic
cleansing and fascism. Any crime is justified through the prism of
Islamic triumphalism and an irredentist philosophy. Islamic
fundamentalists do not desire peace, what they do desire is glory and
at any cost to those that oppose them.
Turkey is willing to banish fundamentalism forever (and not as an
expedient to maintain full access to Europe and America) it cannot be
trusted, not as an economic partner or, as a strategic military ally.
Karlov’s assassin represents the activist for the new Turkey. We’ve
been warned.