Palestine &
the Information War (Part II)
On the 18th of May I wrote about the
PSC (Palestine Solidarity Campaign) and some of the tactics it employs to
spread propaganda against Jews and
Israelis. I demonstrated three of the
tactics practiced by our enemies:
incitement, denial, emotive concealment of intent. The fourth and final cog in the machinery of
disenfranchisement and delegitimization is diplomacy.
One of the PSC supporters reminded me of a book
I had read: “Architects of annihilation: Auschwitz
and the Logic of Destruction” (Gotz Aly and Susanne Heim). The authors detailed
how the bureaucrats and their diplomatic minions were key enablers to the
successful planning and implementation of Nazi strategy. An empire that was to be built on the
bloodied cadavers of tens of millions of Untermenschen (sub-humans) needed its
Diplomatic Corps to carry out its policies of disinformation, dissimulation and
A woman on the Palestinian stall, tall, thin
and well spoken, explained to me how she supervised PhD students at a major UK
university. She told me that before her
latest career role most of her professional life had been spent in the Arab
world as a British diplomat. This former
diplomat, now supervising the education of doctoral students, did not accept
that her previous career choices might cause her to discriminate in her views on
Jews, or on Judaism.
Having been partly educated through Arab
universities many British students have found careers in the British Foreign
Office (and not coincidentally) in journalism, with its national and
international stage. Some years ago it
was reported in the media that no Arab university would carry academic books
written by Jews. It was admitted that those same Arab universities were
reluctant to stock books authored by any one with a “Jewish sounding name.” This situation is destined to remain unchanged
if only because finance usually trumps morality and Western governments have
been happy to encourage an Arab antisemitic narrative either for profit or to
satisfy their own historically prejudiced cultural traditions.
And endemic cultural antipathy towards minorities
within the Muslim world can only encourage a blinkered educational experience
which, for the Western student of Islam or the Arab world, is a choice readily
embraced, under whatever guise is offered.
I cannot see what benefits a society when it sends its children to be
educated in a racist and fascist environment?
Unless that is, the intent is for a continued policy of prejudice that
is held for some debased national purpose.
Perhaps the single thread that defines the
history of diplomacy is the effort nations have made (and continue to make) in
order to maintain power and acquire wealth.
Machiavelli viewed diplomacy as having no significance in the realm of
civil society. In the pursuit of power,
practical considerations rather than ‘higher’ ideological national purpose or
misguided ethics were the means by which nations would enrich themselves.
The issue that supporters of Israel must confront is that the United States of America, France and Britain still fund institutions of
higher learning in various Arab countries – which all adhere to the apartheid
policies of the Arab regimes they serve.
Diplomats from the US Department of State, from the British Foreign
Office and from the Quai d’Orsai study in the Arab World in order to be
eligible for progression within their careers.
The reason behind this policy was partly explained
in a book by John Loftus and Mark Aarons “The Secret War against the Jews.” The book refers mainly to the post WW2 period
when Jewish survivors of the Shoah were scattered across the Globe. Wherever
the survivors went, Nazis, senior members of the SS and the Secret Police
slipped in with them, often with the active assistance of Western intelligence
agencies – CIA, MI6 and the French DGSE.
“During World War 2 the covert British wiretap
program in the United States
against Nazi sympathizers was extended to surveil American supporters of a
Jewish State in Palestine.”
(Loftus and Aarons) After the war this program was massively expanded to allow
illegal British wiretaps of American Jews. A reciprocal arrangement probably exists
to this day, in Britain.
“All the great nations have treated the Jews as
expendable assets, obstacles to the secure supply of Arab oil.” ibid
Equally unconscionable was the fact that illegal
electronic surveillance, the “you-spy-on-mine, I’ll spy-on-yours deal” was
extended to other Western countries.
In the wake of what Jews
experienced as historical reality Edward Snowden’s treason has exposed revelations
of unprecedented global spying which for Jews in the Western World seems to be no
more than a ‘normal’ act of betrayal against them. It truly is a terrible indictment of our
Western system of government that Jews continue everywhere to this day, to be
society’s “canaries in the mine.”
Commercial interests in the Muslim world
over-ride security considerations by exploiting domestic and foreign wiretaps
to appease the Arab-Muslim alliance against Israel and “the Jews” but now also
against everyone else in the Western world.
How frightening is this policy, can be
understood by the following short post-911 anecdote: the White House and
FBI facilitated the hurried departure of 140 Saudis (including two-dozen
relatives of Osama bin Laden) from the United
States to Saudi
“In the days immediately following Sept. 11, 2001, while the airways
were still closed to all other flights, Americans couldn't fly into the country
but relatives of bin Laden were able to fly out. President Bush personally facilitated the escape from America of many
high ranking Saudi officials in a private jet.” (Boston Globe, 30 Sept. 2003)
Justice must be seen to be done or it becomes a
sham that rots society from the inside.
In another quote from Loftus and Aarons they
write that the diplomats “job is to make history and then bury it.” Only a fool
considers that that war against the Jews and against Israel can be contained,
that only the canary will succumb to this poison, injected over generations
into the body politic by antisemitic Western governmental institutions. Or, that its impact will be restricted to Israel and its supporters.
As long as we in the West continue to appease
the Islamic world – whether for access to energy or geopolitical influence, bigots
such as Baroness Tonge have no reason to exercise equanimity or be proportionate
in their response to an Israeli presence in the Muslim world. Instead, Israel will continue to be
A pro-Muslim or pro-Arab anti-Zionist and antisemitic
narrative may be ceaselessly debated in the backrooms of our government
institutions and the classrooms of our universities but it can be explained without
wasting energy on lies and half-truths.
Realpolitik declares Israel to be geographically
insignificant. It is no more than 1/800th
the size of the Arab world. Israel’s
population of 8 million citizens compares unfavourably to some 400 million “Arabs”
(including persecuted minorities). Even
when we discount the factor of prejudice in nations, countries act on economic interest
and not on ethics. If justification is
required, building a biased consensus based on lies just makes the task easier.
“Politics is a dirty game, international
diplomacy is a cesspit, national interest is paramount, and double standards
are the norm. Nevertheless justice is the demand of all those seeking to claim
fairness on their side”. Alan Melkman
How to claim fairness on our side? That is Israel’s (and
our) greatest challenge.