Chemical warfare has been used in contravention
of Chemical weapons conventions since the end of the Second World War. This is
undeniable. What begs the question is the selective way that we choose to react
to its use.
For instance the extreme Left has claimed, not
without justification, that white phosphorous is a chemical weapon. That it does not produce mass casualties is
irrelevant, they would say. In fact this polemical response to atrocity is
little more than a sound bite that makes the interlocutor appear radical rather
than being the reactionary rant of a favoured son (or daughter) trapped by
their own uncomfortable reality. British
Member of Parliament Jeremy Corbyn is a Palestine Solidarity Campaign Patron
and an obsessively anti-Israel campaigner so perhaps he is a little bit biased
when he compares white phosphorous to Sarin gas.
Often from a position of discomfort the Left
will retreat behind a wall of conspiracy. The British MP George Galloway stated
that Israel is to blame for
Arab violence and if chemical weapons were used in Syria, then it was al-Qaeda that
used them and not the Shiite regime. Many people call George an antisemite. He
would of course be the first to deny this.
It does not help that he is on the payroll of Press TV which is the
mouthpiece of the radical Iranian regime.
But it does make him a hypocrite who is impelled by his loyalties to
make every possible excuse for Islamic terror. And it is one of those gigantic
crosses the Left is always too happy for someone else to carry on their behalf.
Blaming another settles the corrupt
Muslims are both individually and collectively
blameless for the sins committed in the name of their prophet and their god as
long as there is a Jew out there able to take the rap, or, a crusader (a Christian
imperialist). They don’t call that
antisemitism because with a not inconsiderable dollop of irony, all Jews are classified
as “Western” and therefore, Christian. Labels create the false connection that
the professional requires to weave his lies into his (or her) tapestry of
deception. It is what we call
The following is a list of known acts of chemical
warfare that followed the end of WW2 (first three examples provided by
- North Yemen Civil War – July 1967 –
Minimum 1,500 killed 1,500 injured by mustard and phosgene gas
- Iran–Iraq War (1980-1988) - 50,000 Iranian soldiers killed by Mustard Gas plus unknown
number of Iranian civilians. But
note: these are only initial deaths as long term fatalities are at least
double this figure.
- March1988
Iraq used chemical weapons on Halabja – a Kurdish town that supported Iran against Iraq – 5,000 civilians died in
the initial attack.
- The
Kurdish–Turkish conflict. Germany
reported that Turkey
had used chemical
weapons against the Kurds, on multiple occasions, latterly in 2012. No
casualty figures are given.
It behoves me to point out that the widespread
use of Agent Orange by America,
during the Vietnam War is also noted as an example of chemical warfare.
The Syrian government called the allegation
that they carried out the killing of 1429 civilians (including 426 children) on
August 21st 2013: “fabrications, lies and false accusations.”
Realistically there is no way other than by the
admission of guilt that we may be certain of the identity of the perpetrators
of these latest crimes against humanity in Syria. What is demonstrably true is
that the Syrian opposition choreographed the press release, neatly wrapping
little bodies so that they could display them for the grateful foreign press. It
does not mean a war-crime did not occur. However ignoring adult casualties for
the greater propaganda value of the child victim is a particularly egregious act
of cynical exploitation. It degrades the victim so that in their deaths they
become no more than useful objects. It is
a sanitised display for an armchair society.
One of the current theories is that President
Bashar al-Assad’s brother Maher, carried out the atrocity as an act of revenge
for his own thwarted ambitions. But he has not been seen since the bombing that
wounded him and killed his brother-in-law in July 2012. And there are rumours
he succumbed to those wounds.
In law we are supposed to seek out the burden
of proof and that proof is going to be almost impossible to conclusively
provide. With historical precedents and a less gullible public we have become
distrustful of governments and their imaginative means for creating casus
belli. During the period from February 2011 until 21st August 2013
between 83,000 and 110,000 people died in the Syrian Civil War. Accurate
civilian casualties are impossible to collate because both sides have their own
dishonest agenda. The majority of civilian deaths were not collateral damage
but war-crimes and there has been an abundance of video proof to demonstrate
the crimes committed by both sides against combatants. So another 1,400 deaths while terrible should
excite us no more than previous fatalities.
But they do excite us, and for a simple reason.
The history of human warfare is one of killing civilians. The development of a civilized world means
recognizing that civilians should be placed outside of the attention of
military action. We have imperfect
conventions that do not easily capture the modern problem of irregular
soldiers, civilians who take up arms and terrorists (or freedom fighters). Many on the Left view all civilians as collaborators in the regime under which they
live and therefore, legitimate military targets. And there are theologies that view
all victims as sacrifices for their God’s ultimate victory over the infidel. So it hardly comes as a surprise that death
in war is a political rather than a humanitarian issue. The reason we try to keep to the rules of war
on non-conventional weapons use is that the potential for mass destruction is
all that much greater. If we are to try to protect the civilian population from
the depredations of war it is of greater importance to sanction governments
because individuals are less likely to commit atrocities than governments. That, at least, is the principle.
Then we recall the Khmer Rouge and Rwanda.
On January 14, 2013, UN High
Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay called for an international inquiry
into what “may amount to crimes against humanity” in the Democratic Peoples
Republic of Korea. I am quoting liberally from an essay in the World Affairs Journal
for July/August 2013. The DPRK’s
hunger-increase rate from the 1990s, when one of the most devastating famines
in the last century claimed the lives of between two and three and a half
million people, is the highest in the world despite considerable international
humanitarian assistance.
To seek reason in mass murder is to pander to
prejudice. Why we chose to highlight
some conflicts and to ignore others is simple. Politics has neutered the UN.
Its usefulness is measured in the money it spreads around to the elite members
of corrupt regimes and the political lackeys whose chauvinism is given
protected status by the world body more concerned with protecting the
reactionary status quo than creating a humane world.
Syria is an ethnic and religious mix of
mutually intolerant groups. Each group
fears for its survival or demands historical justice. Sunnis at 60% of the
population hate their Shiite overlords. Even if al-Qaeda (which is Sunni) did not have
the technical ability or logistics to be able to launch an effective gas attack
against Damascus, Russia will block any move to sanction the regime in Syria
because first, it does not want to lose prestige – influence – Syria is their
country; and second, resurgent military dominance is dependent on successfully
defending its ally.
So the Syrian civil war is unlikely to find an
overall ‘winner’ – unless an even bigger bully is able to come in on the side
of one of the combatants once all of them have exhausted supplies, men and the
spirit to fight on. That could take years and many more deaths.
The Galloway’s
of this world will willingly conspire to blame the Jews or the Zionists. Many a
comment in the social media has stated that the US
and Europe will ultimately do Israel’s
bidding. Yet Israel
has made it abundantly clear that it derives no benefit from regime change or,
from the continuation of the Alawite status quo. Arab nationalism has created a
self-replicating venom coursing through its internationalist veins. The Arab
world has no interest in peace with Israel unless that peace derives a
financial benefit. “Peace” is seen as no more than a stage towards the eventual
elimination of a non-Arab contaminant in the Arab sea. To embellish the wisdom
of President Shimon Peres: Israel
is an island of tranquillity floating in a toxic ocean of Islamic ethnic (and
religious) bile. That maelstrom has always surrounded her and was never
contingent on the existence of a Jewish State.
Intolerance towards non-Muslim and non-Arab minorities was the eternal prize
that Muhammad bestowed upon his faithful servants. It poisoned attitudes towards those who stand
up to prejudice and therefore Islamic behaviour towards all of us for 1,400
Julius Cesar said “Men willingly believe what
they wish to be true.” If we seek simple solutions to complex problems we
create even greater damage than if we leave well enough alone.
The definition of a sociopath
(according to is: a person afflicted with a personality
disorder characterized by a tendency to commit antisocial and sometimes violent
acts (and a failure to feel guilt for
such acts). A person with a
religious mania may feel justified in committing acts of horrifying cruelty that
no normal human being would be capable of contemplating. This passion defines
many fundamentalists for whom the ends will always justify the means. And there are lots of preachers that will
encourage them in their mission. It is
the greatest failure of organized religion.
If the Shiite regime falls al-Qaeda could
easily take control of Syria.
Christians have been executed because of their faith. There have been
unconfirmed reports that al-Qaeda has committed atrocities against Kurds
in Northern Syria. The Sunnis would not like the Kurds to gain
self-determination. The most respected
military leader in Arab history, the man who defeated the crusaders was Saladin
the Kurd. A united Kurdish nation would
weaken at least four Muslim nations that currently seek to aggressively
undermine peaceful international co-existence by their chauvinistic expansionist
It is our indecision that makes
us appear pathetic to our ideological adversaries. War is a serious matter. But
dithering makes us appear not just weak but cowardly. It does not bode well for when there is a
real international crisis. There are few differences between Egypt and Syria other than scale. The
slaughterers will always celebrate their blood-lust and there are few if any recorded
differences between the past actions of secular Muslims and those that worship
the Muslim Brotherhood. Both demand
continuous tribute from their enemies. The Assad families thirst for blood
might shame even the Brotherhood but Al-Qaeda lacks only the weapons of mass
destruction to fulfill its ‘destiny.’
It is for this reason alone that intervention is complicated. Depose one
dictatorship and another will take its place.
There are no guarantees that the replacement will be any better but it
could easily be much worse. And that is a scenario we do not want on our
consciences, no matter how tainted they may be.
Syrian intervention is justified,
as it is in North Korea
and many more places beside.
The fundamental issues of
inequality and oppression that afflict Islamic societies have not been
addressed. It makes the likelihood of
regime change making any kind of difference, extremely doubtful. In fact it will only increase resentment and
hatred towards the non-Muslim world.
It is naïve to believe that words can change
people or nations behaviour. It seems that President Obama truly believes in the
transformative power of his oratory. From his first speech to the Muslim world
as President (delivered in Cairo on 4th June 2009) he promised “A New Beginning.” He spoke of "a new way forward,
based on mutual interest and mutual respect."
President Obama’s failure was then, as it is
now, that he refuses to acknowledge the essence of what drives contemporary Muslim
interactions with the rest of the world.
One Arab spokesman made the following point when asked about the
prospect for an American intervention in Syria. He said:
“If a strike benefits Muslims and Arabs then it
is good but not if it is for their (US) own interest.” What this moral Muslim gentleman intimated by
his sage words was this: If any of Syria’s minorities are helped out by American intercession
in Syria
then let the slaughter continue.